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Small Group Marriage Course
"The Purpose Box"

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What It Is

The small group Purpose Box course allows for 10 couples max. and has its pros and cons, as do all group courses. However, in my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons in this arena.


This small group course is the same as the others, but the language and focus are on marriages and family issues, as opposed to spiritual growth and addiction recovery. It is from a Christian perspective, believing that we are all specifically created and not evolved. Each person gets their coursebook, and workbook (for homework), and completes the four (4) individual personal assessments. This is the same nine (9) week course that will meet 1 night per week for 2 hours or less. Each person is expected to do the required reading and homework each week before class and participate in discussions.


Nobody likes to "air their dirty laundry" (share their problems) in a group setting, and the good news is that you don't have to. I will not ask anyone to share any details of any issues. But, if someone is willing, or feels the need to share, it is a safe place to do so. And also, when this happens, the others experience a genuine intimacy that tends to spread. Everyone benefits from someone being open and honest about their struggles because we all have struggles and keeping them hidden gives them power. We take the power away to move forward in new truths.


Each person gains new friends, new knowledge, and a deep understanding of themselves and others. Each person will also be able to identify necessary adjustments in their marriage that they hadn't been aware of previously. These adjustments are NOT to change anyone, but rather to make things better for each person, and the family as a whole.


Complete the form below to arrange a FREE 30-minute phone call to determine if this the best direction for you.


Let’s Work Together

Bret Larrimore

Intentional connections

Tel: 410-310-5078

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